About Us


SAFE-LIFT CORPORATION is wholesaler and retailer of  wire ropes, chains, nylon and wire rope slings ,all types of ropes, all types of hooks, shackles, wire rope clips, wire rope thimbles, ferrules,  truck tie downs, fall safety equipment, ratchet binders, hoists, come-alongs and all accessories and products related with lifting, pulling or tying down.  We manufacturer our own nylon slings, wire rope slings, nets and chain slings to meet your specifications.  The founders of the company bring many years of experience in this industry, previously working in different parts of the world and with other companies

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.   In 1983, SAFE-LIFT CORPORATION was founded in Miami, Florida based on the principles of making fine, quality slings and offering products at a good price.  It is our company’s goal to have a happy customer and a quality product we can be proud of.  We look forward to working with you.  Please give us a call. ,send us an e-mail or stop by our showroom.

Team of construction workers